Our trip to Tecate Mexico September 2022 was as always, filled with amazing encounters with
God and what he is doing. It is rare for us to experience God‘s presence in the midst of our busy
schedules and selfish priorities. However, I find that when we have set aside our most important
time, electronics and other distractions as well as begin a sincere focus on Gods word, we
experience Him in ways unimaginable. And yes this is possible, it happens every time we return
to Mexico. While our goal is to serve, encourage, love and help others, the team ends up
encountering God in ways that changes our own lives dramatically.
Sharing those experiences can be difficult to express in words alone. From my
experience, though I could tell many stores, of “God sightings”. I really want to share 4. These
really stood out and will catch your attention just as it did for us
First was the amazing transformation of our team themselves. After two years of cancellations,
re-organizing a mission trip seem destined to fail. There was little coherency to our group and
we did not have a good preparation time. Plane tickets were increasingly expensive and the
cost of building materials more than tripled. All this, not even to mention, trying to get everyone
together on the same page to focus on the trip ahead. However, even after the first evening
together, this team became very transparent and intimate as we shared deep hurts, failures,
frustrations, difficulties and challenges together. Krystal Webb had the first evening devotional
for the week, after talking about what we leave behind in the rear-view mirror and focus on what
is ahead in the much larger view thru the windshield, she requested we pray over each team
member and as we did this all the things we left behind seemed to diminish and all experienced
a fresh renewal and growth in our relationships with God.
Secondly, we started this trip off on a new foot. We arrived Saturday night instead of Sunday.
Thus, giving us the opportunity to visit a local church on Sunday morning. This was a surprise
for all of us. Tentatively we entered a church in a foreign land and yet became honored guests,
welcomed and loved immediately. The worship team scrambled to get English words put on
song lyrics, and the pastor himself found an interpreter for the entire message to be translated
to English. It was amazing to sing songs that we already knew and to hear them sung in English
and Spanish together. The message highlighted how we are to live in contrast to this world and
have exceptional relationships with others. This church strongly demonstrated that idea by
praying over us and showing God‘s love in great unity. Many tears were shed at seeing the
evidence of God working.
Speaking of relationships, my third story highlights one of the families we built a home for. Julio,
the father of this family works regularly in construction and has spent years to acquire a small
piece of property for which to build at home. He often works six days and earns approximately
$160 per week. Julio and his friends helped us pour the concrete and prepare for building a
house. He also helped with the framing and on the roof. It is very exciting to help give a house
to a family in need. His three boys and wife were very thankful and happy. Julio took a couple
days off work to help us and with his extra time he went to the neighboring location for the
second home build and he helped there also. Julio speaks pretty good English, and we were
able to communicate, have fun and begin a rewarding friendship. We plan to see him next year and he wants to help again. Julio has not been in church for many years but plans to return and
take his family. They, as many of the families we build for are speechless in their gratitude.
Tears of great joy and thankfulness are always shared by families and team members. God
again, gets the glory and we see lives changed forever, as well as our own.
Finally, an unexpected treat., Years ago we poured a concrete pad and a house was built for a
local family. This year while we were in the same area, we decided to revisit that family. What
we found was God, at work again. This family had felt led by God to open their home to be a
church. As local friends and family began attending, they tore the house apart and used the
materials to double the size by adding block walls and more concrete floor. The Word of God is
preached and the message of the gospel heard weekly. While we were amazed at hearing their
story and seeing what God is doing beyond us, we also decided to help. Much of the church had
no roof, just a tarp. With your help, we gifted a metal roof to complete the sanctuary area. It is
so exciting to be a part of what is happening in that Mexican church and all because a seed was
planted years ago by building a house.
How can we not continue to go back? We have been used by God and he continues to call us to
serve. Though at times, trips like this happen with great difficulty, we hope to return May 27 –
June 2, 2023. I look forward to what God has in mind next and how that will again change me
and draw me nearer to Him. Planning and deposits start in December 2022.
Loving Hands Ministry can also be found serving locally in hopes of you joining us. The Live
Nativity in Davidsville near Christmas. Come enjoy a live walk through of the Nativity story with
the whole family and have some hot chocolate with us and prayer. Also, at the Rendezvous
Kayak Festival in May 2023 at our “Deep Water café”,’ giving away coffee and sharing in prayer
and devotions at this local festival of thousands.
-Matthew Trent