Peter and Ana were married in 2009, and both have the heart to serve God in the community of Tecate Mexico. Peter has a humble testimony of where God rescued him from, and he uses his testimony to help men of all ages come to Jesus’ feet, give their lives to our Lord and change their lives. He works on teaching men skills and responsibilities. Through the word of God, Peter and Ana work with these men’s families, showing God’s love, God’s word, and God’s forgiveness. It is not easy. Some families are so hurt from the addictions of their family members that they can only see what they did, and not what God is doing in their lives. Peter and Ana work with Mission Discovery building homes in the community of Tecate Mexico. Ana faces difficult decisions with God’s wisdom concerning who to build homes for each year because there are many families in need of a home but very few groups coming to build. Both of them are praying for the Lord to move hearts and for more churches to come down and serve hand in hand with them. Mission Discovery has been faithfully comings down to Tecate for over 25 years. They have been working hand in hand with the community and with Ana, building homes, building relationships, and sharing God’s love through VBS at local churches.